Raise Your Hand If You’ve Had Sex in an Ice Hotel

Raise your hand if you’ve had sex on the beach.

Ice Hotel Sweden
Elliptical Room at the Ice Hotel in Sweden. Photo by Wake and Wander.

Congrats, you’re one of a million. You got sand in your shorts (or worse). You positioned yourself in the corner of the small lifeguard stand. We’re awfully proud. Did you watch the sunset and brush her hair behind her ear, too? Yawn.

Now, a show of hands, who’s melted a forearm into a bed before? No? That’s what we thought!

But, seriously, our headline is meant to be taken literally, kids. Ice hotels can be hella romantic, and the novelty of the experience will knock your socks off. Though keepin’ ’em on is a special kind of sexy we can’t imagine.

We’re fresh off a stay at Sweden’s Ice Hotel, and we can tell you firsthand the stories of individuals breaking a sweat in the heat of the night are totally true. Can you get sticky in your sleeping bag? Youbetcha!

So instead of moaning about the plummeting temps outside, we’ll show you how it can get steamy, even in the Arctic.

Read the rest of this story on Conde Nast’s Hotel Chatter


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